Sound and Fury

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Archive for the ‘juggling’ Category

A load of balls

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I bought some juggling balls online on Tuesday. They arrived today in the most unnecessarily oversized bag I’ve ever seen. They were in this paper bag like thing which could have held a package three or four times bigger at least. It was weird. Now, I could have chosen to spend an extra £4 for next day delivery. That would have meant that my order would have arrived a whole day earlier. I can’t imagine being in a situation where I am in such desperate need for juggling balls that I pay for that kind of extra. If I really really desperately needed to juggle as soon as possible, I’d buy some oranges and juggle with them. It would probably cost me less that the extra postage would.

Also, I would really like to juggle with raw eggs. If only I could find some excuse to do so…

Written by Seamus

May 22, 2008 at 11:21 pm

Posted in juggling